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Their lineage runs rich with 18 world and national champions.

Optima Augusta vom Mittelwest and Ransom Falko vom Mittelwest produce pups that have grown into beautiful, healthy Shepherds with deep rich pigmentation, wonderful temperaments, and perfect conformation,  just like their parents.  This pair now has a proven track record where pups produced from this world-class sire and dam are identical to their parents and are themselves exceptional.     


We will be happy to ship them to the neighbor islands, including O'ahu, Big Island, Kaua'i, Moloka'i, and Lana'i.  With no quarantine restrictions, you will be able to create a deep bond with your puppy during the crucial early phase of their puppyhood, without the restrictions of Hawaii Quarantine.  

Featured Breeder Lavender - jpeg.jpg
Gus, Falko and pups daring a dove to fly down from the roof.
Gus with her favorite toy -- a ball..
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