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The "D" Litter has arrived!

D Litter -- Eight Puppies born November 6, 2024

We've delivered eight healthy pups, three boys and five girls.  The boys' ribbons are yellow, light blue, and white.  Girls' are red, pink, orange, green, and purple.



We will be adding photos often, so check in to see the pups!  In two weeks their eyes will open.  After that, they will start showing their personalities more.


Miss Green

The pups are 2 weeks old!

We have opened our eyes!  Hello world!  Here we come!  The ones you don't see here -- Miss Red, Miss Pink, Mr. White, and Mr. Blue -- spend a lot of time sleeping.  As a policy, we just let our sleeping dogs lie -- they have so much growing to do yet!

Miss Purple
Miss Orange

The pups at
5 weeks

At 5 weeks, we are getting dog food, colostrum, and goat milk twice a day, and still nursing on Mom.  We are learning to use our bodies and delight in pouncing, sniffing, and playing with a leaf or with each other.  We have also learned to drink water from a bowl, but still excel at stepping into the bowl, sometimes with all four feet.

The pups are 7 weeks on Christmas Day!

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Miss Green

The three pups at 8 weeks

The three remaining pups are getting along well.  Pretty much, we are keeping them on the back lanai, where they chase each other, play keep away, and eat voraciously.  And nap, lots and lots of naps.  They are growing fast, gaining competencies, and have begun a little puppy training.  They love being with their parents and spend a lot of time following them.

Miss Purple
Miss Carmen
Miss Green

Our girls are growing up -- and their ears are starting to look like German Shepherd ears.  Miss Green, left, is leading the way, as you can see.  The pups are so earnest but also smart.  They love getting a little training every day.  So far, they understand sit, down,  seek, and ready (look into handler's eyes).

Miss Purple
Miss Carmen

The pups at 10 weeks

Miss Red

The pups at 12 weeks

At 12 weeks, the pups have just received their second round of shots.  They are very competent and love "puppy school,"

and now we have begun leash training a bit (and they hate it, fighting like wild mustangs!)  Stay tuned!

Miss Green
Miss Purple
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